My Why

What is it that “drives us” and makes us “tick?”

My name is Dan Dinneen and I live in Brisbane, Australia – This is my why.

What is your why? What is it that get’s you out of bed in the morning? What is your real motivation for doing what you do to maintain your lifestyle? Forget about the bills, the rent, the mortgage for a moment and ask yourself  – “What is My Why?”

There are 7 billion people living on this rock we call Earth, and there are most likely 7 billion answers to the question, but for me I want to leave a legacy. That legacy however, is not necessarily riches and wealth. It’s more important than such trivia. For me the answer is family, but more of that later.

Technology has changed the world so fast it can be hard to keep up. Many of those jobs that were around just twenty years ago have changed so much that they have become unrecogniseable and eventually they will become redundant.

That was what happened to me. I’ve always had a love of words and is the main reason I became a letterpress printer. 

Printer by trade - Copywriter, Blogger & Internet Marketer by Choice.

I learned my craft when we were still using individual letters made of lead to hand-set type. Each letter, one by one. One by one, by one, by one. It’s no wonder my ‘pet hate’ is spelling mistakes! If you find one, please tell me.

As luck would have it, the internet and the information superhighway came along. I saw my own industry was slowly dying, so I turned my interests to copywriting, the new internet thing, and began to dabble in advertising/marketing.

Heidelberg Platen
Heidelberg Platen, my first printing press ~ I still carry the scars 🙂

The Education Begins

Great worth is placed on a formal education but I never had the opportunity. On my fifteenth birthday my high school principle told me that my educaton years were over and I was finishing my school career that day. The only choice I had was to leave willingly or be expelled – I signed off on the willingly part because it may look better on my resume.

It wasn’t until I read Guerilla Marketing by Jay Levinson in the late 90’s did I begin to understand the real dynamics and emotions that underly all sales whether they are online or off.

I became a sponge and soaked up all the information I could. I read everything I could find to learn me new craft. I attended countless marketing seminars, watched youtube videos until the cows came home and bought whatever I could lay my hands on, spending $000’s in the process.

My real education in ‘The school of hard-knocks’ had begun.


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Copywriting Clients

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Sucessful Ads Written

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Sales Letters Written

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Ebooks Published

What I Thought Was My Why - Was All A Big Lie

I felt as if I had been hit with a hammer. Fifteen years of my adult life had been wasted, and it was all a big lie.

  • The education system lied to me when they told me it was vital to be educated so I could get a good job. – I still believe getting a good education is essential; that has never changed. But when you get an education for the specific purpose of giving someone else your expertise and knowledge in a J.O.B. (just over broke) I feel you need to ask yourself this question – “How much is it worth to give up my dreams?”
  • Then the bank manager lied to me when he said taking out a mortgage on your first home was an excellent financial decision. In retrospect, (after interest) it was a more excellent decision for him than for me.
  • Lastly, the taxman lied to me! He said I should stay in a job and pay income tax. He didn’t tell me that my income is like a business and I should treat it as such. He didn’t tell me that if I registered a company, the company could buy my house and claim the interest as a tax deduction!

It was these revelations that led me to the point of asking myself – “What is my why?

What If They Don't?

They say only two things in life can be relied upon – death and taxes. We’ve already touched on taxes . . .

It is my genuine hope and dream that one day my children will take up the craft that I have grown to love and they will see the gigantic opportunities in this great online world. But what if they don’t? . . . 

What if they don’t dig deep and harness that entrepreneurial spirit? What if they don’t invest time and effort in gaining their own education in ‘The School of Hard Knocks”. What if they don’t . . .

Just as my old trade as a letterpress printer died away, so must we all one day shed this mortal coil. When that day comes all the knowledge, experience, zest, and zeal I have given this craft will all be gone — gone forever in the ether of eternity.

This is My Why; it is my gift to you, dear reader. I want to share my knowledge, experience and excitement with you. I want you to take the baton and get out of the rat race.

I want you to dig deep and find that entrepreneurial spirit that lives in you. Take up the reins and pursue the craft that has given me so much pleasure and forced me to see life from a better perspective.

This is My Why. I want you to soar like an eagle. I want you to receive the same success, joy, and enthusiasm in the spirit it is intended and fly high my friend. Fly high!

Soar like an eagle and fly high my friend, fly high