Write An Ebook - Publish It - Sell It - Get Paid For It Same Day!

Give Yourself The Unfair Advantage ~ SPEED!

If you haven’t created a branded eBook before—or want to share your expertise, tell a story, or build your brand, there’s immense value in polishing your skills when you write an ebook that you can be genuinely proud of.

Today’s tweak will guide you on how to leverage your unique voice and produce original content. This approach can help you craft an eBook in just five minutes, get it published, sell it, and earn from it all in a single day!

  • In brief, consumers seek value. If you want their business and loyalty, you must demonstrate your worth before they commit to a purchase.
  • A best-selling author is viewed as a leader. Writing multiple eBooks can position you as a leader in your field.

Additionally, writing more ebooks will encourage you to research, generate more ideas, and provide motivation for expanding other revenue streams.

On This Page

write an ebook in 5 minutes and sell it same day
Write an ebook in just 5 minutes & sell it same day in your own ready made marketplace.

Understanding the Basics to Write an Ebook

Simply put, an ebook is a digital book that can be read on computers, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers like Kindle. Ebooks are viral because they are easily accessible, can be distributed widely, and are environmentally friendly compared to printed books.

In marketing terms, eBooks (or electronic books) are informative, text-based documents available in a digital format. They typically appear as PDFs with 10 to 20 pages, similar to in-depth blog posts.

Ebooks made their debut in the marketing world in the early 2000s. Major publishers such as Amazon focused on converting traditional books into digital formats to boost sales. However, intelligent marketers became innovative and offered free ebooks as lead magnets in exchange for contact information.

This meant they could build huge email lists and develop an entirely new lead-generation strategy that could be controlled with missile-like precision via targeted marketing campaigns. These campaigns could be expanded to promote new products or services or used as a bonus in sales promotions, and if everything got too busy, you could turn everything off.

But that was all back in the old days. Since then, technology has seen exponential growth, and the act of sitting down to write an ebook is no longer seen as a chore; instead, it has become a valuable tool in your marketing arsenal.

  • This is especially true when you can complete your work, have it published, and make sales all in the same day!
write an ebook with Sqribble

There are a couple of ways to write an ebook. – If you’d like to skip the hard part and write your ebook like a pro, click the button below and watch the video immediately.

If you’d like some ideas about structure and the process of writing an ebook without using AI then please read on.

The Building Blocks You Need To Write An Ebook

Our work as publishers and content creators often involves a structured approach.

We regularly use templates or blocks to arrange our materials in a specific order, leading to a specific and desired result. These individual components are many and varied, often coming from off-page sources.

Nobody would begin to bake a cake and deliberately leave out flour or eggs.

Writing an ebook is the same. You need to use all the ingredients, or the result you produce won’t get the result you want.

Define Your Target Audience

Understand who you are writing for. Consider the demographics of your audience. What are their interests, problems, and needs?

You might need to ‘drill down’ and do some research, but this is so important because it makes your audience feel valued and considered.

Creating a reader persona can help guide your writing process. How old are they? What do they need to know? What questions do they ask?

Set Some Clear Goals

Determine what you want to achieve with your ebook. Are you aiming to educate, entertain, or persuade? Setting clear goals will help you stay focused and measure your success.

Create A Detailed Outline

Organize Your Work:

You can begin by listing all the main ideas you want to cover and create chapter headings for each topic.

Each chapter should cover a specific topic or theme. Break down chapters into sections and subsections to make the content more manageable and readable for your audience.

  • Arrange your points in a logical order, from introduction to conclusion.
  • If possible, commit to a regular writing schedule to stay on track. This will help you stay organized and in control of your writing process. Set yourself some realistic deadlines for completing each chapter or section of your ebook.
how to write an ebook one bite at a time
Break down chapters and sections into small bite size pieces

Start With A Strong Introduction

Your introduction sets the tone of your book or lead magnet and establishes its purpose. It also needs to contain a ‘hook’.

Your hook should grab the reader’s attention so hard that they must read on. If you formulated your hook as part of your title then you should continue the theme here.
NB: A quick note on titles – A title works precisely like a headline. It has different components that do different jobs and also contains that magic ‘hook’.

You can read this post for more about headlines.

Developing Content

Content creation is such a vast subject that you could fill an entire library with it and still need space for more. We’ve tried to trim it down as much as possible and laid out the major points for you.
  • The readability of your work is significantly enhanced by clear and concise writing. Cut out unnecessary jargon and get straight to the point.
  • To keep your readers engaged, use anecdotes, examples, and questions to keep them thinking.
  • Provide value by adding extra content that your reader wasn’t expecting. This could be a discount for your product or service or grant special access to content you only reserve for members. Whatever your bonus content is, make sure it shows as bonus content on your cover.
  • Offering actionable advice, insights, and information is a key way to provide value to your readers.
  • When you write an ebook you also need to maintain a consistent writing style and tone. Consider your audience’s preferences and adjust your tone, whether formal, conversational, or somewhere in between.
  • To keep everything looking great and to help better explain your message you should incorporate images, charts, and examples to illustrate your points and make your ebook more engaging. Visuals can help break up the text and make complex information easier to understand.

Once you’ve finished your masterpiece, it can be a good idea to step away from it before editing to gain a fresh perspective. Get outside and grab a bite to eat or take a brisk walk. You’ll be surprised at the new ideas that pop up when the endorphins kick in.

Editing and Proofreading

Here’s the fun part. If you’ve read about me, then you’ll know I’ve done my fair share of proofreading over the years. Here are some self-editing techniques I have used that may be helpful:-

Read Aloud:
This is an old printer’s trick. Reading your text aloud can help catch errors and awkward phrasing. If you have a friend read your text aloud to you, it may sound completely different. Be on the look out for awkward phrases or punctuation errors. If you find yourself stumbling over words when you read aloud, your reader might, too.

Use Editing Tools:
While we’re not relying on AI to write an ebook, tools like spell check and Grammarly aren’t cheating and can help spot grammar and spelling mistakes.

Seek Feedback:
Ask friends, colleagues, or beta readers to review your ebook. Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights and highlight any areas for improvement. Your main goal here is to discover if your message is getting through and if the ebook has a ‘flow’ from one section to the next.

Professional Editing:
If this is your first step into the online world, consider hiring a professional editor to polish and refine your ebook. A professional can offer expertise in grammar, style, and structure, ensuring your ebook is of high quality. However, this will come at a cost, so you may need to consider how this fits your budget.

Formatting Your Ebook:
You have most likely maintained steady formatting during the creation of your ebook, but give it a final check here. Proper formatting is crucial for readability, so use consistent fonts, headings, and spacing. Check with friends to make sure your ebook looks good on various devices and screen sizes.

Designing the Cover:
A compelling cover design is as essential as an excellent title for attracting your readers. You can invest in a professional cover design that reflects the content and tone of your ebook. If you don’t have graphic artist skills, this part of your project may need to be outsourced. Places like Fiverr and Upworks are great for this. Just remember it will come at a cost and take up your valuable time.

Congratulations! … It was a lot of work but you wrote an ebook without AI!!

You've Done It! - It's Time To Publish!

Choosing a Platform:
Now that most of the hard work is over, you’ll need to select a platform to publish your ebook. You can choose from Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple Books, or self-publishing on your own website. You may also need to reconfigure your files to .mobi for e-readers like Kindle.

Setting the Right Price:
When setting a price, consider your goals, target audience, and the value your ebook provides. If you are giving away your ebook as a free lead magnet, then price is not an issue. Your consideration here is about your prospect performing an action (the click), and the copy on your front cover. If your copy is poor you won’t get that magic click.

You can also research similar ebooks to gauge a competitive pricing range but don’t necessarily make yourself the cheapest on the market. If you have added value and packaged your ebook into a product stack using magic bullets and other building blocks, the price should be the last thing on your customers’ mind.

Preparing for Launch:
It’s also crucial to plan a launch strategy that will generate buzz and excitement for your ebook. Utilize social media, email marketing, and your website to promote your launch.

Building an Audience:
You can start building an audience even before your ebook is finished. You can engage potential readers through social media, blogs, and email newsletters. I suggest offering to do guest posts or podcasts as joint ventures. Wherever your marketing skills lay, this should be your focus in the future. Once you have perfected your distribution channel, you can make any necessary adaptations before you write an ebook again.

You Could Do All Of The Above .... OR ..... You Could Sqribble It!

How To Write An Ebook With Sqribble

write an ebook with sqribble

00’s of Templates, Auto-Import Data, and Design your Flipbooks  & Covers in 3D!

Sqribble is an online platform designed to help you write an ebook quickly and easily. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, a vast library of templates (300+), and extensive customization options.

Once you have written an ebook with Sqribble (it takes 5 minutes; video link below), you can list it on your own marketplace and make sales the very same day! That’s why Sqribble is the perfect tool for both beginners and experienced authors.

Sqribble Features:
Sqribble offers a wide variety of templates to suit different genres and styles. You can just browse through the template library and select one that fits the theme of your e-book. This will serve as the foundation for your design, and you will not have to outsource or pay an expensive graphic designer.

After selecting a template, you can start customizing it to make it uniquely yours. Add your title, author name, and any other relevant information. You can also change the colors, fonts, and layout to match your branding or personal style.

Auto-Adding Content:
With your template set up, it’s time to add content. Start by writing or importing your text. Sqribble’s editor allows you to format your text, add headings, bullet points, and more. Make sure to break up your content into manageable sections to improve readability.

Sqribble also has its own article database, allows you to upload your own files, and sources data from specific URLs. One thing you will not be short of with Sqribble is content!

Once you’re satisfied with your e-book, it’s time to publish – directly to your ready-made marketplace with Sqrindle. That means you can make $$’s the same day as you publish!

Sqribble also offers multiple export options, including PDF, ePub, and Kindle formats. Choose the format that best suits your distribution plan and away you go!